You know those crazy people, the ones that are constantly doing different things, usually multiple of them all at once. The ones that are always into something new here - new project there, most times not even finishing them? Getting disinterested in something as soon as their next new thing makes its way into their sites?
For as long as I can remember I have always been a very hot and cold kind of person. I'm either 100% into something or I hold absolutely no interest in it. Having this sort of personality typically makes it so that I don't stay interested in things for an extended period of time either. It's basically the way I am about everything in life.
All of that being said......I have never not been interested in the kitchen. I grew up doing so much baking and cooking and as I got older I was enrolled in a tech school while I was in high school. Now I won't lie, as an adult I actively tried to stay out of a kitchen in my professional life, really I did. BUT I JUST KEPT GETTING DRAWN BACK. I don't know how it always happened but it never seemed to fail that although I tried getting jobs that weren't me playing with industrial kitchen equipment for a better part of 12 hours (or more) a day, I just couldn't do it.
Long story short (cause believe me, I have plenty I could share) it's all what lead me to where we sit today. You reading this and me, running two businesses and getting into anything I can get my hands on.
So there is a very good chance that you've gotten to this site one of two ways. You've either seen my adorable little crepe trailer and done some searching for more info on that. Or you have landed here by trying to find out more about this custom, made-to-order style bakery. No matter which way has lead you here I'm sure you've now seen the additional business as well. And if you're as curious to my motives as my dear parents (who hold a reasonably justified amount of caution for my multi-business endeavors) as to why I run two business all by my wee lonesome here's the down and dirty....we are going to loop back to that crazy person business mentioned before, all that hot and cold nonsense. I can't not keep busy. There, I said it. This might not be Busy-Body Anonymous but it had to be said. With these two (seemingly opposing) business ventures I accomplish everything my little heart desires. With More Spice Than Nice I have the freedom to bake/make anything and everything me and my clients can dream up. With Ohh, Crepe! I am allowed the pleasure of creating with the added benefit of not being locked in my house everyday; that bad boy has wheels and the freedom of the open road!!
The bare truth of it all...if there is any one true take away from this...I'm just a creative woman with a heart for the kitchen and the undying desire to be afforded a life that isn't restrained by the confines of typical 9-5 schedules and a standard four walls. I want the freedom to share my love of food with others and be given the opportunity to enjoy the things life has to offer instead of the typical kitchen life of being caged behind all of that industrial equipment. Oh...and have you heard of a vacation??? They are this elusive thing people in kitchens talk about all the time...something where you GET DAYS OFF and go enjoy your time away from work?!
One of those sounds really neat too!!
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